


Oerlikon HRSflow provides various channels for those who wish to make, in good faith, a report of behaviors or events that may constitute violations of laws or regulations (national or European Union), or company procedures that are not compatible with ethical behavior. Reports must be made to protect the public interest and the integrity of the Company.


Reporting Channels:

Reports can be made through the following channels:

  • Online Platform: By clicking on the following link: This platform allows the submission of reports through a guided online process without the obligation to register or disclose personal information.
  • Regular Mail: By writing to INglass S.p.A. - Whistleblowing Committee, Via Piave, 4 San Polo di Piave (TV) - 31020
  • Upon request of the reporting person: Through a direct meeting with the Whistleblowing


Who can make reports?

Reports can be submitted by individuals both internal and external to the organization, operating in Italy and abroad. This includes INglass personnel (employees, collaborators, freelancers, paid or unpaid interns), as well as anyone operating on behalf of or in the interest of Oerlikon HRSflow, such as consultants, suppliers, shareholders, members of the Board of Directors or members of the Supervisory Boards, and former employees or collaborators.


What can be reported?

The following violations that have come to light in a work context can be reported:

  • Violations of the Ethical Code and its foundational values.
  • Violations of the INglass S.p.A. Model 231.
  • Violations of laws and regulations (national or European Union).
  • Violations of authority measures.
  • Violations of company procedures.
  • Violations of human rights, including any act of discrimination, harassment, or abuse.
  • Behaviors causing harm or damage, even to the Group's image.

Violations that do not have public interest and are not protected by Legislative Decree 24/2023 will be received and managed like whistleblowing reports, following the Company's policies. The Company commits to providing the same protections to the reporting person. However, it is important to note that, for this type of reporting, the law does not provide protection against retaliation.

Reports must be based on facts, without prejudice, and without ulterior motives. Reporting knowingly false accusations or for malicious purposes may lead to disciplinary measures. Therefore, the report, even if anonymous, must be made in good faith and provide as much information as possible for proper verification.

As an example, reports may involve actions or omissions related to the following categories:

  • Corruption
  • Conflict of interest
  • Fraud
  • Harassment, discrimination, retaliation, bullying
  • Violations of privacy and cybersecurity
  • Violations of health and safety in the workplace
  • Environmental violations
  • Copyright violations
  • Violations of industrial and intellectual property
  • Abuse of confidential information
  • Violations in financial and accounting information
  • Other relevant unlawful conduct under Legislative Decree 231/2001 or violations of Model 231 and/or INglass's internal normative system procedures.


Who manages the report?


The report is managed by the Whistleblowing Committee appointed by the Company's Board of Directors, consisting of:

  • An external individual with proven experience and technical and moral authority who serves as the President
  • HR Director
  • Project Manager & Data Protection Officer


The reporting person is guaranteed acknowledgment of the receipt of the report within 7 days of the date of receipt and a response to the report within 3 months of receipt. The President of the Whistleblowing Committee also serves as the President of the Company's Oversight Body, ensuring adequate exchange of information between the two bodies.




Oerlikon HRSflow guarantees confidentiality regarding the existence and content of the report, as well as the identity of the reporting individuals (if disclosed) and reported individuals, who are provided with legal protections. Any personal data in the report will be treated in accordance with personal data protection regulations. For more information on the methods and purposes of processing personal data included in the reports and collected during the procedure, please refer to the information available on the following page: privacy policy


Whistleblowing Procedure:

For complete details on the whistleblowing procedure, click here.

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