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FLEXflow HRS la e-volución ya está aquí

Oerlikon HRSflow is quickly at your side

New EYEgate HRS: enhanced gate quality ensured for long-lasting performance. 

an advanced end ring designed for the MULTIflow HRS® multi-cavity line. Engineered to deliver optimal gate quality and extended lifespan, this innovative solution enhances performance across a wide range of applications. 

New TECHflow HRS: the hot runner line for technical polymers and electronic applications. 
Oerlikon HRSflow has introduced the new TECHflow HRS, a hot runner line specifically designed for technical polymers and electronic applications.The TECHflow HRS features innovative solutions such as new external valve gate end rings for the Tp and Vp nozzle series, as well as the Through The Cavity (TTC) end ring for Tp nozzles. 
Hot Runner Systems with Optimized Design for Sustainable Applications in R-PET
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